331-340 of 452 results

A blow to class action judgments achieving finality
Insight 12 Dec 2016

In a recent decision, the High Court considered that a successful class action defendant cannot rely on mere failure by members of a class action to opt out of group proceedings to establish that these members are subsequently prevented from raising other claims ...

Insourcing investment management in super - challenges and opportunities for in-house teams
Insight 09 Dec 2016

With the release of an ASFA Best Practice Paper on insourcing investment management we look at some of the challenges and opportunities for in-house legal teams that come with the seemingly inexorable move in the superannuation industry towards insourcing investment management functions ...

Review into four major banks - money for consultants?
Insight 25 Nov 2016

The Parliamentary Economics Committee released its report following its review into Australias four major banks yesterday Our Financial Services Regulation team has a look at the recommendations in this update ...

The ASIC Enforcement Review Taskforce unloaded
Insight 03 Nov 2016

The ASIC Enforcement Review Taskforce members and terms of reference have been announced The terms of reference are very broad and come as no surprise with an emphasis on evaluating the adequacy of ASICs enforcement toolkit We analyse the key themes that are likely to emerge ...

Risk culture - 'an evolving area of supervisory practice'
Insight 03 Nov 2016

A director of a bank life company or general insurer who read APRAs recent information paper on risk culture could be excused for indulging in a wry smile Since mid-2015 he or she has been subject to legislative obligations concerning risk culture However the information paper suggests that APRA is ...

An opportunity for greater certainty for class action defendants
Insight 05 Oct 2016

Class action settlement negotiations are often hindered by uncertainty about the number and identity of potential claimants A recent decision of the Supreme Court of NSW has paved the way for defendants to achieve greater certainty in respect of unregistered class members at an earlier stage than ...

E-signature - a case study, but not a test case
Insight 29 Sep 2016

A recent New South Wales Court of Appeal decision concerned a guarantee purportedly signed by e-signature without the guarantors knowledge It is an interesting case-study though the decision is really about ostensible authority and ratification Senior Finance Counsel Diccon Loxton considers its ...

Improving the role of the Appointed Actuary
Insight 06 Sep 2016

APRA is seeking to improve the role of the Appointed Actuary in general and life insurance companies and has proposed some reforms in a discussion paper released earlier this year ...

Not better late - the Prime Trust appeal judgment
Insight 06 Sep 2016

The main Prime Trust appeal judgement is relatively well known but a trusts responsible entities and their officers should look at what the appeal court had to say on other related matters ...

Privilege during class action investigations - no client required
Insight 02 Sep 2016

Our recently released Class Action Risk 2016 report highlights the effect of lawyer and funder entrepreneurialism on the class action landscape Last weeks decision in the ongoing confidentiality dispute between IOOF Holdings Limited and Maurice Blackburn has provided a rare insight into the way ...

