31-40 of 158 results

Long-awaited sanctions reform may result in more dispersed sanctions risk
Insight 08 Dec 2021

Last year, the Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (the committee) recommended enacting legislation to establish a worldwide human rights sanctions regime. Last week, the government's response was tabled in Parliament. ...

ESG activism is growing – what should boards do?
Insight 27 Jul 2021

ESG-related interests of stakeholders are impacting the governance arrangements of large listed companies. We look at why this is important for boards, and what steps they can take to mitigate becoming the target of this type of activist campaign. ...

Federal Court decision highlights it's vital to get incentives right and have strong governance systems
Insight 09 Jul 2021

The recent Federal Court decision ACCC v Telstra [2021] FCA 502 highlights an emerging risk area for boards and senior management in the use of incentive-based remuneration and sales targets for consumer-facing businesses ...

The 'Say On Climate' - what do boards need to know?
Insight 16 Jun 2021

As we enter the 2021 AGM season, it is clear that climate-related issues will remain a key focus for listed entities and their shareholders. ...

A new rights-based approach: the Aged Care Royal Commission delivers its blueprint for radical reform
Insight 05 Mar 2021

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety issued its Final Report, which recommends significant change through the creation of a new aged care system aimed at placing people at the centre of aged care. The recommendations are wide ranging. ...

Five critical trends shaping the business and human rights landscape in 2021
Insight 10 Feb 2021

Ensuring respect for human rights presents a growing challenge for businesses in light of evolving laws and standards, together with increasing public scrutiny and stakeholder expectations. This Insight provides an update on five emerging trends for 2021. ...

Foreign influence – from education to enforcement
Insight 09 Nov 2020

A heightened risk of foreign interference and a shift towards enforcement of the new foreign influence and interference legislation means it is now critical to consider any compliance risks your business may face. ...

Dollars and sense: the evolution of executive remuneration practices
Insight 30 Sep 2020

The need for robust executive remuneration frameworks is becoming increasingly important as companies tackle the challenges arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic, a heightened regulatory environment and the need to strike the right balance with executives to drive and reward conduct and performance t ...

ASIC's Corporate Plan 2020-2024
Insight 01 Sep 2020

ASIC's Corporate Plan sets out its strategic priorities and actions for the next four years, especially its approach to its supervisory, surveillance and enforcement functions, and how each of those may have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. ...

Responding to COVID-19: your questions answered
Insight 13 Jul 2020

In light of the global outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19), many businesses are confronted with questions about the legal and regulatory implications. Here we address the most pressing questions being asked across the business landscape. ...

