41-50 of 115 results
ESG contract clauses — drafting tips to reduce your exposure to disputes and complaints
Interest in environmental, social and governance (ESG) is continuing to grow at a rapid pace, including ESG-related goods and services. ...
Why intellectual property should be a key component of your ESG agenda
In this Insight, we unpack a number of IP considerations that should be integrated into a comprehensive ESG approach. ...
Targeting ESG outcomes in investment strategies
It is now accepted that ESG risks need to be taken into account in the same way as any other investment-related risk for superannuation trustees, fund managers and institutional investors when developing and implementing their investment strategies (and in making individual investment decisions). ...
No longer 'once in a blue moon': bluewashing risks and challenges can't be ignored
In this Insight, we explain why companies should carefully consider their representations about human rights and other social issues, and how to manage associated bluewashing risk. ...
It's nearly here: how businesses can prepare for mandatory climate-related financial reporting
A mandatory climate disclosure will commence for the first cohort of reporting entities from 2024-2025, and firms up details on the overall architecture of a reporting regime which is now expected to cover around 20,000 Australian organisations. ...
Awakening a sleeping giant: the growing authority of Australia's carbon market regulator
The enforcement powers of the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) continue to expand, and these developments have implications for numerous stakeholders across the energy, resources and carbon market sectors and beyond. ...
Embedding ESG
Embedding environment, social, and governance (ESG) principles in day-to-day business practices is crucial for organisations aiming to address sustainability concerns and to manage their ESG risks. ...
Safeguard 2.0—managing risk under Australia's new carbon scheme
With Australia's revamped baseline-and-credit carbon trading scheme, the Safeguard Mechanism (starting on 1 July 2023), many of Australia's large emitters—and their investors, financiers and customers—are grappling with how to comply with the scheme and manage carbon risk. ...
Recommendations for reform of Australia's Modern Slavery Act
The recommendations for reform of Australia's Modern Slavery if adopted, will mark a substantial strengthening in Australia's efforts to combat modern slavery, as well as more onerous due diligence and reporting requirements for companies caught by the regime. ...
Australian Government locks in final details of the Safeguard Mechanism reforms
The Government has released its slate of detailed subordinate legislation that will support the reformed Safeguard Mechanism scheme. This means that the Government has issued the full suite of initial Safeguard Mechanism reforms set to launch on 1 July 2023. ...